Session: Metrics
9h 00 am |
Enhancing Perceived Depth in Images Via Artistic Matting
B. Gooch
An Information Theoretic Framework for Image Complexity
J. Rigau, M. Feixas, M. Sbert
On Designing and Testing Metrics to Aesthetically Evaluate Images
G. R. Greenfield
Global Contrast Factor and a Framework for Aesthetical Metrics
K. Matkovic, A. Neumann, L. Neumann, Th. Psik, W. Purgathofer
10h 40 am |
Session: Metrics and Complexity
11h 00 am |
Viewpoint complexity of 3D scenes: definitions and applications
D. Plemenos, M. Sbert, M. Feixas
Form Follows Function: Aesthetic Labeling Styles
K. Hartmann, K. Ali, T. Götzelmann, Th. Strothotte
How Benford's Law can help in image analysis and classification
E. Del Acebo, M. Sbert
12h 00 pm |
Oliver Deussen
Good looking landscapes, do we need more than accurate rendering?
1h 10 pm |
Session: Art |
14h 40am |
Non-linear Perspectives in Nature, Art and Science
G. Glaeser
Straight away on curved spaces
A. Marty
ArTbitrating JaVOX: an evolutionary environment for visual and sound composition
A. Moroni
4h 10 pm |
4h 30 pm |
Panel discussion + Closing session |
Preliminary program